Pain-Free Dental Extractions


At Hamburg Dental Care, we always try to save teeth, but sometimes a dental extraction becomes the only option. We keep you comfortable and relaxed and provide any support you need afterward for a quick recovery. During the extraction, you may feel some pressure, but no pain.

Dental Extraction Procedures

For a simple extraction, Dr. Eisenman loosens the tooth and then simply removes it.  This is generally a very quick and simple procedure.  If you were experiencing pain before the procedure you will get some immediate relief once the tooth is removed.

Surgical extractions are necessary when a tooth has broken off at the gum line, is impacted, or there is no room in the mouth for a tooth, such as a wisdom tooth.  Most often, a tooth is extracted because a patient is in extreme pain.

Extracted Tooth

We’ll pack the dental extraction site with gauze to help with any bleeding and provide instructions to aid in a quick healing. If the tooth is infected at the time of surgery. Dr. Eisenman may prescribe antibiotics.  Click here for Post Extraction Instructions

The Wand Numbing System

An Effective Solution for Strong Dental Fears

The latest state-of-the-art numbing system to make your dental visit as comfortable for you as possible.

The Wand offers a vastly increased level of comfort and less anxiety for patients.

The Wand Numbing System

For those with dental fears: